Friday, October 1, 2010

Fall Fabric Wreath

I made this last night. Still not sure if i love it...

But it's really simple. Cut fabric into squares (a lot of them) and then just fold them in half and pin with straight pins into a wreath. Work in a circle and then I tied a bow with a chiffon-y fabric.


vanessa said...

I do , very cute!

petit fournil de paris said...

I love it, too.
So great;
I adore AND follow your blog. ;D

Would be glad and honoured if you take a look at my blog.

xx Jana, by petit fournil de paris

Design A-Peele said...

LOVE IT!!! I'll take if off your hands, so be careful ;)

ian bowling said...

Be sure to tell David I saw Martha's Trouble on ESPNU during the AU volleyball game.