i am writing on a computer that doesn't have many family pictures on it. therefore, these were commandeered from facebook from our wedding, 3 years ago. please forgive me.
momma, thank you so much for being such an amazing example of what it means to be a Godly wife and mother. thank you for disciplining us and not trying to be our friend (until we got old enough to actually be friends). thank you for all the hard work you have put in all these years and the hard work you continue to put in even when you don't have to. you are so kind and sincere and i am so grateful for that. i love it when me, you and liz laugh til we cry and can't say words anymore. and i love that, no matter what, you will always be there for me. i love you!

nancy, thank you for being a mom and not a "mother-in-law. " i think it can always be a little nerve-racking to marry the only boy in a family. and i hands down have the best in-laws in the world. thank you so much for accepting me as a daughter. you are so supportive of david and i love that he loves you so much. you have shaped him into the amazing man that he is today, and for that, i thank you most of all. i love you!

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