Friday, June 18, 2010

New Sofa!

we finally got our very epic looking couch in! in almost 4 years of marriage, we have never had a new piece of significant furniture. we bought our bed when we first got married and that's about it. i just like to look at it, and i'm definitely ready for that "i've been packed in stinky plastic" smell to go away.

it's linen, so the side where david was sitting last night is all wrinkled now. i guess i will have to break in the other side today. i'm ready for it to be all broken in and super comfy.

now i'm on the hunt for pillow fabric. i'm deciding between these two for the pattern:

and this

any thoughts/suggestions?


Julianne said...

I love your new couch! And, while both fabrics are awesome, the 2nd is my fav. Love you guys! Hope to see you soon!

Karen Isbell said...

I like them both...I think you could use them both at least in the same room!

Design A-Peele said...

I actually like them both. what about one of each? But if you made me pick just one, I'd go with the gray :)