(liz asked me to "do that thing where you focus on one thing and everything else is blurry" so i did. i just think this picture is funny)
SO many of you have been interested in remodel pictures, we have honestly been overwhelmed. it's so sweet that y'all care. (p.s. i get lots of emails, tweets and messages...is there anything i can do to get people to leave comments? do i need to ask questions?)
anyway, i will be doing full before and after pictures once the upstairs rooms are completely done (which should be around the first of february!). for now, here are some "in between" pictures. by this point (in the pictures) we have already ripped up the nasty gray carpet. don't worry. it will be displayed in all it's glory in the before pictures. the hardwoods started going down on thursday (not pictured). we had a slight mis-measurement and they will hopefully be done by mid week. we went with a 5" white oak. haven't picked out the stain yet, but it's gonna be gor.geous. we have also painted all the rooms. but all that will be shown in the afters.
the former "middle bedroom" (because it is in the middle of the hall)/junk room. this will be the office when all is said and done. nothing too exciting here except fixing some awful water damage in the ceiling (which was already patched at this point but you can see how nasty it made the walls).
the bathroom was probably the funniest project because it involved hanging beadboard which involved me and liz sweet talking david and jd into helping - which they did because they are great and selfless and awesome. but it also meant that we were cutting and liquid nailsing and nailgunning and leveling until 10 pm one night. but it's done and it's great. now, to tile!
here we have my old bedroom. unfortunately, the stripe theme was one i chose as a freshman in college. not as a 12 year old.
the bonus room off of my bedroom that will forthwith be known as the playroom. the racing stripe was there when we originally moved in, and although it is heinous it went well with my nascar collection, so it remained. well, see ya rainbow stripe.
I'll bite. Love the picture of Elizabeth, tell her to stick her arm out further if she wants more blur. I can't believe how different it already looks. I can't wait to see it finished. Sometimes I am jealous of yall because deep down you know it is fun but after you posted the picture of you last week I was glad I was wearing work cloths and not 3 day old paint clothes!
Love B&A pics! Thanks for posting :).
Y'all need to go tackle the house I grew up in. Yikes!
Can't wait to see all the after pictures. Seriously, I'm way too excited about it.
Umm, if you will remember, that was not just a blur picture. That was a picture to document my screwdriver scare-tactic that got the painter to come down $200 off of the price
I'm leaving a comment... and it's not an answer to a question! It's just what it is! :)
And I am enjoying your blog AND the remodel updates. It has inspired me to rethink (notice I did not yet say REDO) my hall bath! ;)
I LOVE before and afters! And I blame the no comment thing on Google Reader.
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