i love my friend courtney more than words can describe. and we have always joked that we share a brain. seriously, it's freaky. and today, when i was reading her blog as well, there was just a hilarious picture of her sitting on her couch.

and i crap you not, we are dressed almost identically. i love my jorts. i don't even care. i thought it was hilarious. so this post is for her. get out of my brain.

also, i am well aware my hair looks like that of a drug addict. i had to lean forward to take the picture and there was no getting it fixed in 3 seconds.
don't worry. i literally changed into my boogie shirt to go for a run 30 minutes after i made that post.
ps "boogie" looks nasty when it's not on that shirt.
of course you did. why wouldn't you.
A friend like that is rare and so cool to have.
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